Take five minutes a day to give yourself a scalp massage by rubbing your fingertips in a gentle, circular motion. Massaging stimulates blood flow to the scalp, which delivers nutrients and encourages hair growth. Water will keep your hair moisturized and clean. Having a clean scalp and hair will promote hair growth. And it smells much better! Eating a nutritious diet will improve the condition of your hair. Be sure to eat fruits and vegetables, fish, beans, nuts, eggs and drink lots of water.
Avoid putting too much heat onto your hair; it tends to dry hair out. Instead of blow drying, try air drying your hair. Wear a satin scarf at night, to prevent split ends and breakage from the friction of the pillow.
You should get your ends trimmed every 2-6 months, depending on the health of your hair. Deep conditioning should be done at least every other week. The heat from a hooded dryer will help penetrate and condition the hair.